Saturday, April 08, 2006

today woke up rather late.. was realli tired from yesterday.. hahax.. guess realli too long nv train badminton le.. thats why all the aches and pains are coming from.. hehex.. guess have to juz exercise and train more in future.. then watch kids central de shows.. wahahax.. a bit stupid la, but nonetheless fun to watch.. watch yugioh pokemon zach bell and masked rider.. hahax.. all quite nice actually.. especially masked rider and yugioh i think.. hahax..

then i asked my frend to go play dota together.. hahax.. quite fun actually.. learnt how to use new hero and i think i got improve a bit le.. but still very lousy i think.. hahax.. actually we intended to study while waiting for com de.. but in the end din study and we toked and chit chat alot.. but nvm i guess.. cauz have to relax a bit ba.. but i think i too slack le also.. have to be more strict and stringent towards my studies and my attitude le.. hopefully next time can realli get down to studies instead of chit chatting.. hahax..

went home then watch tv again.. hahax.. guess my saturdays seem to be for play and tv onli.. hehex.. guess have to incorporate studies into my saturdays in future.. this yr is realli a important yr.. cannot afford to slack le.. and from the trama i got from my physics SPA yesterday, i guess i have to work triply or even hundred times harder to score and do well at the end of the yr.. so that i wun come back next yr onli to get myself disappointed and blame myself for not trying and working harder..

next week got 2 important tests.. though it may be juz a test, but i am realli taking them seriously.. cauz i realli wanna see if i have improved anot.. after trying my best to study.. though not realli my very best.. but got make attempts le.. aimming for at least a B for both my maths and chemistry tests.. hopefully i can do well ba.. jia you lo.. same to all my frends too.. good luck!!! guess i will end here.. tata!!! =)

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